List of items used in school physics lab
Educational Scientific Supplies Company is the leading manufactuerer of items commonly used in a school physics laboratory. Below is the list of items”
- Laboratory bench or table
- Bunsen burner or gas burner
- Thermometers (mercury or digital)
- Stopwatches or timers
- Measuring cylinders (graduated cylinders)
- Beakers
- Erlenmeyer flasks
- Test tubes
- Pipettes
- Funnel
- Burette
- Safety goggles
- Lab coats or aprons
- Balance or electronic scale
- Vernier calipers
- Spring balance
- Magnets
- Bar magnets
- Compass
- Power supply
- Wires and connectors
- Resistors
- Capacitors
- Inductors
- Multimeter
- Oscilloscope
- Light source (such as a laser or lamp)
- Optical bench
- Lenses (convex and concave)
- Mirrors (plane and concave)
- Prism
- Diffraction grating
- Geiger-Muller counter
- Radioactive sources (if applicable)
- Newton’s cradle
- Pulleys
- Springs
- Inclined plane
- Air track (for studying motion)
- Projectile launcher
- Ticker tape timer
- Sonometer
- Resonance tube
- Tuning fork
- Microscope
- Glassware (for experiments involving refraction or lenses)
- Newton’s rings apparatus
- Van de Graaff generator
- Electrostatic kit (electroscopes, pith balls, etc.)
- Spectrometer
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and the specific items used in a physics lab can vary depending on the curriculum and experiments being conducted. If you can not find here what you are looking for we can arrange that item for you.