Biology  > Human Anatomical Models  > Page 1
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HUMAN TORSO (With Head) 9010
Natural size, nine parts, mounted on wooden base, without sterno-abdominal wall but with ribs, sternum, clavicle with their attachments. Thoracic and abdominal organs detachable individually, lungs, stomach, liver, intestine, Heart further sectioned in two parts for details. Half of skull cap removed and Brain can be taken out, exposes the interior of the skull, Sectioned head and neck depicts internal organs of the region, Sexless.
Dimensions overall: 445 x 280 x 930mm

HUMAN TORSO (With Head, Economy Model) 9016
Same as above but dissectable into seven parts. With no section of head or neck, sexless.

HUMAN TORSO (Male/female) 9020
Natural size, nine parts, mounted on wooden base, without sterno-abdominal wall but with ribs, sternum, clavicle with their attachments. Thoracic and abdominal organs detachable individually, lungs, stomach, liver, intestine, Heart further sectioned in two parts for details. Half of skull cap removed and Brain can be taken out, exposes the interior of the skull, Sectioned head and neck depicts internal organs of the region, Sexless. Dissectable into 11 parts, both of which Male or Female shows reproductive organs, which can be taken out, dissectable in two parts. Dimensions overall: 445 x 280 x 930mm

HUMAN TORSO (With Interchangeable Sex Organs) 9022
Dissectable into 13 parts, thoracic and abdominal parts detachable individually, lungs, stomach, liver, intestine, heart, further sectioned for details in two parts. Half of skull cap removed and Brain can be taken out to expose the interior of the skull. Sectioned head and neck depicts internal organs of the region. The model is provided with separate Male & Female reproductive organs, which can be attached to the torso to transform it either into Male or Female. Dimensions overall: 445 x 280 x 930mm

HUMAN TORSO (Without Head) 9025
Set on wooden base, visceral organs detachable individually to expose the body cavity. Lungs, Heart, liver, stomach & Intestine can be taken out. 8 parts, Sexless.
Dimensions overall: 440 x 215 x 730mm

HUMAN TRUNK (With Head) 9028
Youth model, approx. 600mm in height mounted on base dissectable in 6 parts. The brain fixed in skull, lungs, liver, stomach, and intestine are removable to show the internal structures. Dimensions overall: 260 x 235 x 560mm

HUMAN TRUNK (Without Head) 9032
Same as above but without Head.

Life size model of human head mounted on base, the brain dissectable in two parts, can be taken out, showing the cranial nerves and the important parts of skull. the natural colour of the skin is given to make it lively. Very instructive model, complete in 4 parts. Dimensions overall: 230x 230x280mm

New design showing section of face depicting internal organs and muscles.

Set on stand, both external & longitudinal section through skull, Brain, nasal chamber, buccal cavity, laryngeal & pharyngeal regions

Showing the sectional view, the bones of the cranium, the cavities, Cerebrum, cerebellum, spinal cord, nose and throat cavities, larynx, tongue, palate, oesophagus are visible in median section. Dimensions overall 410x305x65mm.

Showing engagement of child's head in vertical section of abdomen with pregnant uterus in the 9th month, child could be taken out in order to show the exact position of placentas with its blood vessels. Mounted on base with key card. Dim. overall: 400x300x400mm

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