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S.C.R V - I Characteristics 2501
The kit consists: 0-75 Vdc @ 0.15 A, regulated power supply for anode-cathode. 0-3 Volt @ 10 µA supply for gate - cathode. Three analog meters from which two are calibrated in dual range to take readings. One SCR, 600V/4A and one potentiometers. Built in power supply,230V mains operated Complete with working manual & patch cords.

S.C.R Phase Control 2502
The kit consists: One potentiometer, Zero crossing circuit, U.J.T rex oscillator with pulse transformer, one timing capacitor, 2 SCR 600V/4A, one switch, AC supply of 50 volt and 10 volt, load resistance with AC µAmmeter, points for CRO observations. Built in power supply, 230V mains operated Complete with working manual & patch cords.

S.C.R single Phase Full Wave Fully Controlled Bridge Rectifier 2503
The set up consists: Circuit based upon 4 S.C.R configured as full wave fully controlled bridge rectifier. Free run oscillator with zero crossing circuit and pulse transformer, resistive load in form of lamp and inductive load in form of a universal motor (fractional HP). One dc voltmeter across the output points and separate points for observations of waveforms. Supplied with built in line isolator 150VA. Built in power supply, 230V mains operated Complete with working manual & patch cords.

Single Phase Bridge Converter 2504
Set up consists: One step down transformers (150 VA), current limiting resistors, four thyristors controlled by a free running line synchronized oscillator circuit, one potentiometer to vary the speed of given dc fractional HP motor with L-C filter. One DC voltmeter connected across the output. Top see through cabinate and test points for observation of firing signals, motor current waveforms. Built in power supply, 230V mains operated Complete with working manual & patch cords.

U.J.T Characteristics and use as Rex OSC 2505
Kit consists: Two IC regulated dc power supplies 0-20 Volt, two meters, one UJT, two capacitor, one potentiometer with fixed value resistance. Built in power supply, 230V mains operated complete with working manual & patch cords.

S.C.R Triggering Circuits 2506
Kit consists: components to perform the following firing methods.
a. D.C. firing method (superimposed AC).
b. Resistance firing method.
c. R-C phase shift firing method.
d. Pulse firing by UJT rex osc method (with pulse transformer).
One S.C.R, RL, one voltmeter with isolated ac power supply. Built in power supply, 230V mains operated Complete with working manual & patch cords.

S.C.R Triggering circuits (b) 2507
The kit consists firing methods as (a) by varying R (b) by varying R and phase shift by C. The kit has one low voltage transformer, one voltmeter across RL, decade of R with one potentiometer. Built in power supply,230V mains operated. Complete with working manual & patch cords.

Study of Chopper Circuit (SCR Based Jones Chopper) 2508
Set up consists: DC unregulated power supply from 100 volt ac, two SCRs, one tapped inductor, one commutation capacitor, pulse firing circuit with separate contorllable on-off timings and one lamp load. A series wound universal motor for load on extra cost may be provided. Separate points for observations of waveforms. Built in power supply,230V mains operated Complete with working manual & patch cords.

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